Joysure Translation Co., Ltd
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Joysure Translations Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Joysure) and its team of accredited translators will provide translation services of a variety of documents, materials and files provided in either hard copies (mail or fax), electronic copies such as e-mail and secure web-server transfers, etc. Joysure will maintain an active record of said documents, materials, and files, and make every effort to complete translation of each document by the prearranged date(s) but shall not be responsible for damages or delays in completion caused by events beyond Joysure and its translators' control including but not limited to acts of nature, requests for changes and/or additions by client, formatting errors by client, program incompatibility, security protocols causing delays, custom coding, and delays caused by client’s programs failing to properly deliver or accept the document in proper format.
Joysure warrants (a) that it will use reasonable best efforts in the performance the services; (b) that the services and deliverables will be of professional quality exceeding or conforming to generally accepted best professional practices which are standard for first class document translation within the translation services industry; and (c) that performance of the services does not and will not violate any applicable law, rule, or regulation. If any services performed or deliverables provided by Joysure are determined by Client to be inaccurate or defective or otherwise not in accordance with the requirements of the applicable documentation supplied by Client, Joysure agrees to correct such services or deliverables without charge to Client within a reasonable period of time after receiving notice thereof.
Fees For Services
Fees and costs may vary depending on the complexity, volume and required Client’s turnaround time. Each case will be treated individually and payment terms for this level of service must be arranged before work begins. Client agrees to pay Joysure’ fees in accordance with the fee and terms of payment presented to Client at the onset of the engagement.
Cancellation Or Withdrawal By Client
If Client cancels or withdraws any portion of the translation project prior to Joysure’ completion of the service(s), then, in consideration of Joysure’ scheduling and/or performing said service(s) Client shall pay Joysure the portion of the above fee represented by the percentage of total service(s) performed.
Client’s Review Of Translation
Upon receipt of the translation from Joysure, Client shall promptly review it, and within 5 (five) business days after receipt shall notify Joysure of any requested corrections or changes. Joysure shall correct, at no cost to Client, any errors made by Joysure.
Changes By Others
Joysure shall have no responsibility whatever as to any changes in the translation made by persons other than Joysure.
All knowledge and information provided by Client for translation shall be considered confidential including information regarding the business and products of Client and all such information shall remain the intellectual property of client and will be held strictly confidential by Joysure, and except as expressly authorized by Client in writing, shall not be divulged or published by Joysure and shall not be authorized by Joysure to be divulged or published by others. Confidential information for purposes of this paragraph shall not include the following:
a. Information, which is or becomes available to the general public, provided the disclosure of such information did not result from a breach by Joysure of this paragraph.
b. Terminological glossary entries compiled by Joysure in the course of Joysure' performance of the translation service(s) under this Agreement; provided, however, that Client and Joysure may agree in writing that, upon payment by Client to Joysure of an agreed-upon fee, such terminological glossary entries shall be the property of Client and shall be covered by the confidentiality provisions of this paragraph.

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