Joysure Translation Co., Ltd
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What factors determine the pricing of document translation services?
Pricing for document translations is mainly determined by three factors: Language pair(s), area(s) of expertise, and requested turnaround. The rule of thumb is: The higher the level of complexity, both in language and area of expertise, the higher the price category. Rates may also vary depending on the direction of the translation; document translations into Chinese are often priced slightly lower than translations into other languages. Last but not least, professional document translation companies distinguish between regular and rush turnaround. Projects completed on a rush basis incur additional fees, usually around 20%.
How long will it take to translate my documents?
Processing time for our translation services depends on a variety of factors, including the number of words in the document, complexity, the file type, and the purpose of translation performed (for filing or for information). To speed up the process, please provide editable native files, including all images, fonts and instructions for handling, if applicable. If your translation project is urgent, we offer rush services for an additional fee.
Can I request a particular translator?
The Translator(s) are matched to a particular translation project based on experience, education and expertise in the subject area. Often, clients will be matched with the same Translator(s) to maintain consistency.
How do you guarantee the quality of a translation?
For any translation project, we follow the steps as below to assure reliable quality:
1) a translator with background matched to the technical field of the project is assigned by a project manager who is responsible for coordination of overall scheduling and management;
2) another sophisticated translator checkes the finished document from the beginning to the end to minimize the chance of errors or omissions;
3) the project manager does a proofreading;
4) an editor performs a final check on formatting and consistency.
Is translation still really done by people and not computers?
Because translation volumes are exploding and there are not enough translators to keep up, some translation firms are keen to use machine translation, with human "post-translators" editing the results. We have no plans to do so because of our commitment to quality. We do not believe that computers can deal with the subtleties of living language, and know from experience that editing bad translations properly is often as much work as starting again from scratch. However we do use modern software tools that help us to store our knowledge, because these are aids to quality as well as efficiency.

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